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Becoming a Team Member:
Team members help keep everything running smoothly and are a vital resource.
The sale cannot happen without you, the team members!
Here is some necessary information on becoming a Team Member:
Consignors, enter your consignor number and password to log in (website).
First-time Team Members, use the link under the login to register and set up your account on the website.
Becoming a Team Member is not required but is highly recommended.
Who can become a Team Member?
Anyone! You do not need to be a consignor to be a Team Member.
Helping is easy and fun; we need help doing many daily tasks.
There are shifts during the eight days of the sale week, including the weekend.
Whatever your schedule, I have a shift for you! If you can't make it to a change, we welcome spouses, parents, and grandparents to fill in so you can still enjoy our Presale!
Why become a Team Member?
Get a break from the kids and the everyday schedule.
Meet other parents from the area and create new friendships!
Shop before the public sale. You get to shop early! You can keep the floor organized, so it's easier for customers to shop. If you consign, this will help your items sell!
What does a Team Member do?
Team Members are asked to give at least 3 hours of their time helping in many areas of the sale, ranging from:
Helping with Set-up (requires some heavy lifting and setting up of tables and racks)
Help check items and assist consignors by placing their inventory on the proper racks and tables.
We are checking the quality of items for stains, wear, tear, etc.
Help sanitize items according to the law using materials and gear provided by Sale For Kids, monitor the sales floor, and maintain organization.
Provide excellent customer service during the sale.
Help at the checkout by removing the item's tag and counting things for the cashier.
Help carry items to the customers' cars (runner).
Break down on Sunday, help sort items back to consignor number, break down tables and racks, and help pack up donations.
Help maintain a safe environment.
Security monitor: monitor doors, check for receipts, monitor shoppers and fellow workers
**Set-up on Monday, April 21, 2025, and the breakdown on Sunday, April 27, 2025 (we need the most help on Monday and Sunday) for setting up and tearing down.
All days will include standing on your feet and walking most of the day.
If you have any physical issues that make these activities difficult, we have a few shifts that can be done while seated.
Don't hesitate to contact me for more information at
What do I wear?
If you have any of the Sale for Kids T-shirts, wear them.
Dress for the weather (the buildings have no heat or AC, so dress for comfort).
Wear comfortable shoes!
Team Member, Shopping Times
Please read this updated Team Member Shopping Schedule (chart at the top of the page).
Team Members are needed during all public sale times. Please consider helping us at these times! The number of hours you can help will determine when you shop the Presale.
Please do not schedule overlapping shifts, which makes us short on help.
NEW! Sale for Kids Team Member Incentives! SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
As of January 2021, for kids' sale only:
The consignor Registration fee is $20 per consignor number.
1) Non-working consignors- profit is 60%, invited to shop Thursday, April 24, 2025, 3 p.m.- 8 p.m.
2) Team members who work 3 hours (1 entire shift), with a profit of 70%, are invited to shop on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 6 to 9 p.m.
3) Team members who work 6 hours (2 entire shifts) and make a profit of 70% are
invited to shop on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 5 to 9 p.m.
4) Team members who work 9 hours (3 entire shifts), with a profit of 70%, are
invited to shop on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 4 to 9 p.m.
5) Team members who work 12 hours (4 entire shifts)- profit of 80%, invited to
shop on Wed, April 23, 2025, from 3–9 p.m.
6) Team Members who work the Breakdown shift (Sunday, April 23, 2025, 1:30 - 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. by working this entire shift (6 hours straight), the registration fee ($18) will be waived, and invited to shop Wed, April 23, 2025, at 4 p.m.
7) All team members can shop on Sunday, April 27, 2025, at 9 a.m. before we open for a half-price sale to the public.
Team members who sign up for shifts after the presale date are expected to fulfill their obligations. If a team member signs up for a change (after the Presale), shops on Wednesday, and is a no-show for their shifts, they will be blocked from signing up to help (and subsequently shop at presales).
Please honor your word and show up for the shift you signed up for.
Team Member Presale for Wednesday will admit ONLY the person WORKING THE SHIFTS.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Refrain from using your cell phone when you are at the fairgrounds.
Please allow time for item drop-off before or after your shift on Monday or Tuesday.
The shift you signed up for is to assist consignors dropping off or helping to organize, not to be spent putting ONLY your items out.
Dropping off items during your work shift is unfair to other team members. Please plan accordingly.
Please understand that I need workers daily at Westmoreland Sale for Kids, and by doing so, I agree to the above incentives.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your shift to sign in and verify your responsibilities. Work positions may change as the need arises.
Signing in and out is required for insurance to ensure you receive the correct percentage!
The sign-in clipboards are inside the toy building on the cart to the left of the entrance door.
To be fair to shoppers and other Team Members helping, please do not shop or remove items from the sales floor during your shift.
Every work shift is crucial to the sales's success, and I appreciate all who work with us.
Thank you for becoming a team member with the Westmoreland sale for kids' children's 2025 consignment sale.
Team Members are registered consignors helping to sell their items, earn a higher profit percentage, and get to shop before we open to the public.
Please dress appropriately for the weather. The buildings do not have heat or air conditioning. Wear comfortable layers and comfortable shoes.
You are a significant part of why our consignment sale is the Best of the Best.
1 shift = 3 hour
Team Members will only receive credit for hours scheduled under ONE consignor number for a higher profit percentage.
Each Team member's shift (3 hours) can only count towards ONE consignor number.
If a registered consignor has a family member working hours for their consignor number, it must be registered under their consignor number.
Please use the consignor homepage to sign up for a shift.
If the Team Member differs from the consignor registered to the consignor number, please email or text 724 433 8980 to let Lisa know who will cover the shift so the consignor can receive credit.
If two people from the same family will be working the same shift, you must contact Lisa for approval. You may participate in thethree seasons of Thursday Night Pre-Presals. Here are instructions on how to sign up.
If two people work hours for a single consignor number, those hours will be added together for a higher percentage but NOT combined for the shopping prespresales.
PresPresaleses will be for the person working the hours, not the consignor number, verified on Team Member worksheets.
You are a significant part of why our consignment sale works.
Thank You in advance for becoming a Team Member with Westmoreland Sale for Kids Children's Spring/Summer Westmoreland Sale for Kids Consignment Sale.
I could not have coordinated such an exciting sale without our incredible Team Members!
Thank you for considering helping us at the sale and for continuing to support returning Team Members.
This sale is a success with YOU.
Westmoreland Sale for Kids LLC
Held @ Westmoreland Fairgrounds, 123 Blue Ribbon Lane, Greensburg, Pa 15601
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