Welcome to Westmoreland Sale for Kids, your one-stop shop for all your shopping needs.
**What's New for Spring 2025 at Westmoreland Sale for Kids LLC?
**Consignor registration for the Spring/Summer 2025 Westmoreland Sale for Kids will open on:
**Sunday, FEBRUARY 16, 2025, at 6 pm.
**The consignor registration fee is **$20**, which reflects a $2 increase for Spring 2025.
Consignors will have 56 days to enter their inventory into the system.
The deadline is Sunday, April 13, 2025, at 11 pm.
The fairgrounds have yet to approve moving my equipment to fairgrounds before Easter ( April 20). I hope to load U-Hauls and transport them to the fairgrounds for unloading on Thursday, April 17, or Friday, April 18.
Fairgrounds setup will begin at **9 am on Monday, April 21, 2025 (Easter Monday).
**** Limits :**Each registered consignor is allowed a total of **300 items**.
The total number of consignors for spring is **300.
**Please bring only high-quality and current styles.
Sizes: The limit for newborns to 2T has been increased to 75 hangers per size and per gender.
**Shoes:** A maximum of 15 pairs per gender is allowed. Please bring only your best shoes.
**Maternity Clothing:** Each consignor may bring up to 15 items. Ensure you bring your best items and price them reasonably. Maternity clothing will no longer be accepted at the adult sale.
Remember, the success of the sale depends on the quality of the items, so please pay attention while preparing your items.
- No items with odors, pet hair, smoke, or excessive wear will be accepted on the sales floor.
- Clothing must not have rips, tears, stains, pilling, fading, shrinkage, dry rot (where elastic loses its elasticity and becomes brittle), or broken zippers.
- No clothing older than 5 years will be allowed.
- Shoes must not be badly worn or have scuff marks.
**Content Restrictions:**
- Items cannot contain inappropriate language or content.
-- **No grab bags with miscellaneous toys (e.g., McDonald's toys).**
- ALL Games and Puzzles MUST have all the pieces secured in a zip lock baggie.
-Any item with batteries Must have working batteries. Dollar Tree batteries work great.
Please note that other changes may be possible due to recalls.
Westmoreland Sale for Kids LLC
Held @ Westmoreland Fairgrounds, 123 Blue Ribbon Lane, Greensburg, Pa 15601
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